Accredited Degrees and Trade Programs
Through a unique partnership powered by SEU and Christian Halls International, Chula Vista Christian offers trade programs and accredited degree programs on our San Diego campus. Earn your dream degree right here through our signature Socratic model, and graduate from our accredited partner programs!​​​

Certificate in Arts & Trauma Healing**
The Graduate Certificate in Arts and Trauma Healing equips students to guide others through culturally relevant artistic modalities for trauma healing. This program provides an ongoing mentored learning experience that emphasizes interpersonal skills and integrates academic learning directly into practical use.

Professional Pilot Program** Coming Soon
If you’ve ever thought about a career in aviation, you need a learning pathway that prepares you for your career goals with both flight training and the degree to back it up. The associate-level professional pilot program partners with flight schools to bring you local flight training as well as flexible online classes. This unique, faith-based program will give you comprehensive knowledge to pursue professional pilot jobs and other careers in the aviation industry.

BS in Political Science/Pre-Law and Biblical Studies
Political Science deals with systems of governance and power, political activities, thought, political behavior, constitutions and laws. Students in this major learn how the Bible informs policy across the globe. Students in this major might pursue a career in business, law, consulting, government, journalism, political campaigns, or community service.. CVCU’s degree program provides a biblical basis for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the field, helping students develop a biblical worldview for how this field can impact the marketplace and assist them in discovering their individual calling within the field. In addition to the specified general education courses, this academic major requires 30 lower division and 40 upper division credits as follows: Lower Division (30 credits)
 PS 101 The History of Political Science (3 credits)
 PS 120 American Politics (3 credits)
 PS 125 Introduction to Political Science (3 credits)
 PS 140 Constitutional Law (3 credits) 
PS 150 Comparative Politics and Government (3 credits)
 PS 200 Global Political Economies (3 credits)
 PS 210 Law, Morality, and War (3 credits)
 PS 230 American Foreign Relations (3 credits)
 PS 240 Intro to Microeconomics (3 credits) RSCH 250 Research Methods & Design (3 credits) Upper Division (40 credits)
 PS 300 Terrorism, Antiterrorism, and Homeland Security (3 credits)
 PS 310 Early Political Processes and Theories (3 credits)
 PS 320 Modern Political Processes and Theories (3 credits)
 PS 330 Introduction to Political Theory (3 credits) 
PS 340 Introduction to Law (3 credits)
 PS 350 Urban Politics (3 credits)
 PS 400 International Politics (3 credits) 
PS 410 The American Political System (3 credits)
 PS 420 Intro to Macroeconomics (3 credits)
 PS 430 Laws, Politics, and Justice (3 credits)
 PS 440 Advanced Seminar in Political Science (3 credits) 
PS 495 Senior Political Science Capstone (3 credits)
 PS 499 Political Science Internship (4 credits)

BA in Education and Biblical Studies
Students in this major want to become agents of change in the modern academic system, focusing their time and talents on solving the educational dilemmas plaguing today’s youngest generational. Students pursuing a degree in education are often interested in teaching or academic administration. CVCU’s degree program provides a biblical basis for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the field, helping students develop a biblical worldview for how this field can impact the marketplace and discovering their individual calling within the field. CVCU’s degree program provides a biblical basis for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the field, helping students develop a biblical worldview for how this field can impact the marketplace and discovering their individual calling within the field. In addition to the specified general education courses, this academic major requires 30 lower division and 40 upper division credits as follows: Lower Division (30 credits) TE 100 History of Education (3 credits) TE 110 Educational Methodology (3 credits) TE 120 Introduction to Curriculum Design (3 credits) TE 130 Educational Psychology (3 credits) TE 140 Human Development (3 credits) TE 200 Diverse Learning Styles (3 credits) TE 210 Classroom Management (3 credits) TE 220 Educational Technology (3 credits) TE 230 The Compassionate Classroom (3 credits) RSCH 250 Research Methods & Design (3 credits) Upper Division (40 credits) TE 300 Ethics in Education (3 credits) TE 310 Elementary Teaching Methodologies (3 credits) TE 320 Secondary Teaching Methodologies (3 credits) TE 330 Introduction to Human Motivation (3 credits) TE 340 Introduction to Assessment (3 credits) TE 350 Teaching the Social Sciences (3 credits) TE 400 Teaching STEM (3 credits) TE 410 Teaching the Bible (3 credits) TE 420 Teaching Arts and Activity (3 credits) PSY 430 Conflict Negotiation and Resolution (3 credits) TE 440 Applied Research in Education (3 credits)
 TE 495 Senior Educational Methodology Capstone (3 credits) TE 499 Senior Teaching Internship (4 credits)

BS in Entrepreneurship and Biblical Studies
Entrepreneurs are the dreamers and visionaries of future corporations. A degree in entrepreneurship provides the foundational tools to help a student envision and design a business, learn how to write a business plan, a pitch deck, and set up either an LLC or a nonprofit. CVCU’s degree program provides a biblical basis for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the field, helping students develop a biblical worldview for how this field can impact the marketplace and discovering their individual calling within the field. CVCU’s degree program provides a biblical basis for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the field, helping students develop a biblical worldview for how this field can impact the marketplace and assist students in discovering their individual calling within the field. In addition to the specified general education courses, this academic major requires 30 lower division and 40 upper division credits as follows: Lower Division (30 credits) ENT 100 History of Entrepreneurship (3 credits) COM 120 Business and Organizational Communication (3 credits) BUS 130 Developing a Business Plan (3 credits) ENT 140 Strategic Management and Innovation (3 credits) ENT 150 Global Lessons in Entrepreneurship (3 credits) BUS 200 Business Administration (3 credits) ENT 210 Pathways to Entrepreneurship (3 credits) COM 220 Intercultural Communication (3 credits) BUS 240 Small Business Management (3 credits) RSCH 250 Research Methods & Design (3 credits) Upper Division (40 credits) BUS 300 Business Ethics (3 credits) COM 310 Organizational Leadership (3 credits) BUS 320 Foundations of Microeconomics (3 credits) BUS 340 New Venture Financing (3 credits) BUS 350 Introduction to Business Law (3 credits) BUS 360 Marketing and Sales (3 credits) BUS 400 Foundations of Macroeconomics (3 credits) BUS 410 Building a Sustainable Enterprise (3 credits) ENT 420 Running a Family Business (3 credits) PSY 430 Conflict Negotiation and Resolution (3 credits) ENT 440 Applied Research in Entrepreneurship (3 credits) ENT 450 Entrepreneurship Capstone Project (3 credits)
 ENT 499 Entrepreneurship Internship (4 credits)

BA in Communication and Biblical Studies, Music Emphasis
Communication is arguably one of the most broad college majors with the most opportunities for diverse employment opportunities. Communication majors study interpersonal communication, small group communication, and organizational communication, discovering principles and patterns that will help them communicate more effectively in personal and professional relationships. This emphasis in entrepreneurship helps students prepare for owning their own business or serving as support to another startup, LLC, or nonprofit. CVCU’s degree program provides a biblical basis for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the field, helping students develop a biblical worldview for how this field can impact the marketplace and discovering their individual calling within the field. CVCU’s degree program provides a biblical basis for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the field, helping students develop a biblical worldview for how this field can impact the marketplace and assist students in discovering their individual calling within the field. In addition to the specified general education courses, this academic major requires 30 lower division, 40 upper division credits, and 15 emphasis credits as follows: Lower Division (30 units) COM 110 History of Communication (3 credits)
 COM 120 Fundamentals of Human Communication (3 credits) COM 150 Writing for Journalism and Sales (3 credits) COM 190 Narrative Storytelling (3 credits) COM 200 Media and Worldview (3 credits) COM 215 Ethics in Communication (3 credits) COM 220 Communication in Film and Media (3 credits) COM 230 Advertising and Persuasive Communication (3 credits) COM 245 Motivational Speaking (3 credits) RSCH 250 Research Methods & Design (3 credits)
 Upper Division (40 units) COM 310 Interpersonal Communication (3 credits) COM 320 Small Group Communication (3 credits) COM 340 Conflict Management (3 credits) COM 350 Argumentation and Debate (3 credits) PSY 330 Personality Psychology (3 credits) COM 340 Intercultural Communication (3 credits) COM 350 Theories of Communication (3 credits) COM 400 Organizational Communication and Leadership (3 credits) COM 410 Gender Communication (3 credits) COM 420 Crisis Communication (3 credits) PSY 430 Conflict Negotiation and Resolution (3 credits) COM 450 Senior Communication Capstone (3 credits) COM 499 Communication Internship (4 credits) Emphasis in Music (15 units) 
 MUS 100 Applied Voice/Instrument (1 credits)
 MUS 200 Beginning Keyboard (1 credits)
 MUS 250 Music Theory (3 credits)
 MUS 300 Survey of World Music (3 credits)
 MUS 410 Psychology of Music (3 credits)
 MUS 450 Music Recital/Performance/Practicum (3 credits)

BA in Communication and Biblical Studies, Entrepreneurship Emphasis
Communication is arguably one of the most broad college majors with the most opportunities for diverse employment opportunities. Communication majors study interpersonal communication, small group communication, and organizational communication, discovering principles and patterns that will help them communicate more effectively in personal and professional relationships. This emphasis in entrepreneurship helps students prepare for owning their own business or serving as support to another startup, LLC, or nonprofit. CVCU’s degree program provides a biblical basis for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the field, helping students develop a biblical worldview for how this field can impact the marketplace and discovering their individual calling within the field. CVCU’s degree program provides a biblical basis for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the field, helping students develop a biblical worldview for how this field can impact the marketplace and assist students in discovering their individual calling within the field. In addition to the specified general education courses, this academic major requires 30 lower division, 40 upper division credits, and 15 emphasis credits as follows: Lower Division (30 units) COM 110 History of Communication (3 credits)
 COM 120 Fundamentals of Human Communication (3 credits) COM 150 Writing for Journalism and Sales (3 credits) COM 190 Narrative Storytelling (3 credits) COM 200 Media and Worldview (3 credits) COM 215 Ethics in Communication (3 credits) COM 220 Communication in Film and Media (3 credits) COM 230 Advertising and Persuasive Communication (3 credits) COM 245 Motivational Speaking (3 credits) RSCH 250 Research Methods & Design (3 credits)
 Upper Division (40 units) COM 310 Interpersonal Communication (3 credits) COM 320 Small Group Communication (3 credits) COM 340 Conflict Management (3 credits) COM 350 Argumentation and Debate (3 credits) PSY 330 Personality Psychology (3 credits) COM 340 Intercultural Communication (3 credits) COM 350 Theories of Communication (3 credits) COM 400 Organizational Communication and Leadership (3 credits) COM 410 Gender Communication (3 credits) COM 420 Crisis Communication (3 credits) PSY 430 Conflict Negotiation and Resolution (3 credits) COM 450 Senior Communication Capstone (3 credits) COM 499 Communication Internship (4 credits) Emphasis in Entrepreneurship (15 units) 
 ENT 100 Introduction to Entrepreneurship (3 credits) 
 BUS 130 Developing a Business Plan (3 credits) 
BUS 200 Business Administration (3 credits)
 BUS 360 Marketing and Sales (3 credits)
 ENT 450 Entrepreneurship Capstone Project (3 credits)

BS in Psychology and Biblical Studies
Students pursuing a degree in psychology are interested in the foundational causes and effects of human behavior. They may want to pursue a degree in counseling or research, or they may simply want to obtain a better grasp on human behavior and motivation in order to strengthen their relationships and relational effectiveness in any career field. CVCU’s degree program provides a biblical basis for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the field, helping students develop a biblical worldview for how this field can impact the marketplace and discovering their individual calling within the field. CVCU’s degree program provides a biblical basis for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the field, helping students develop a biblical worldview for how this field can impact the marketplace and discovering their individual calling within the field. In addition to the specified general education courses, this academic major requires 30 lower division and 40 upper division credits as follows: Lower Division (30-32 units) PSY 100 Intro to Psychology (3 credits) PSY 150 Social Psychology (3 credits) PSY 180 Personality Psychology (3 credits)
 PSY 200 The Psychology of Aging (3 units) 
 PSY 210 Cross-cultural Psychology (3 credits)
 PSY 220 Intro to Neuroscience (3 credits)
 PSY 250 Statistics for the Social Sciences (3 credits)
 PSY 270 Experimental Psychology (3 credits) 
PSY 280 Developmental Psychology (3 credits)
 RSCH 250 Research Methods & Design (3 credits) Upper Division (40 credits) PSY 300 The History of Psychology (3 credits) PSY 310 Ethics in Psychology (3 credits)
 PSY 330 Sensation and Perception (3 credits)
 PSY 340 Learning (3 credits)
 PSY 350 Human Cognition (3 credits)
 PSY 380 Human Motivation (3 credits)
 PSY 400 Theories and Methods of Integration (3 credits)
 PSYC 410 Abnormal Psychology (3 credits)
 PSYC 420 Psychology of the Family (3 credits)
 PSYC 430 The Psychology of Addictions (3 credits)
 PSYC 440 Current Issues in Psychology (3 credits)
 PSY 450 Senior Psychology Capstone (3 credits)
 PSY 499 Psychology Internship (4 credits)

BS in Mechanical Engineering and Biblical Studies
Students who pursue a degree in mechanical engineering typically spent many hours in childhood taking items apart and attempting to put them back together again. Mechanical engineers design and produce machines, engines, and turbines, elevators and escalators. They are builders. CVCU’s degree program provides a biblical basis for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the field, helping students develop a biblical worldview for how this field can impact the marketplace and discovering their individual calling within the field. CVCU’s degree program provides a biblical basis for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the field, helping students develop a biblical worldview for how this field can impact the marketplace and help them discover their individual calling within the field. In addition to the specified general education courses, this academic major requires 30 lower division and 40 upper division credits as follows: 
 Lower Division (30 credits) ENG 100 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering (3 credits) ENG 120 Statistics for Engineering (3 credits) ENG 140 Engineering Dynamics (3 credits) ENG 160 Philosophy of Design (3 credits) MED 120 General Chemistry (3 credits) ENG 200 Measurement and Data Analysis (3 credits) ENG 220 Introduction to Design and Modeling (3 credits) MAT 230 Calculus (3 credits) ENG 240 Introduction to Thermodynamics (3 credits) RSCH 250 Research Methods & Design (3 credits) Upper Division (40 credits) ENG 300 History of Engineering (3 credits) ENG 310 System Dynamics (3 credits) ENG 320 Mechanical Vibrations (3 credits) ENG 340 Strength Testing (3 credits) ENG 350 Fluid Mechanics (3 credits) ENG 370 Heat Transfer (3 credits) ENG 400 Mechanics of Materials (3 credits) ENG 410 Linear Analysis (3 credits) ENG 420 General Physics (3 credits) ENG 430 Subtractive Manufacturing (3 credits) ENG 440 Introduction to Electronics (3 credits) ENG 450 Senior Engineering Capstone (3 credits) ENG 499 Engineering Internship (4 credits)

BS in Computer Sciences and Biblical Studies
A Computer Science degree is the study of computers and computer systems, including the theory, design, development, and application of those systems. Students entering this degree field often want to design and create software systems, becoming a manager or administrator to a technical enterprise. CVCU’s degree program provides a biblical basis for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the field, helping students develop a biblical worldview for how this field can impact the marketplace and discovering their individual calling within the field. CVCU’s degree program provides a biblical basis for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the field, helping students develop a biblical worldview for how this field can impact the marketplace and discovering their individual calling within the field. In addition to the specified general education courses, this academic major requires 31 lower division and 42 upper division credits as follows: Lower Division (31 credits) COR 100 Foundations in Computer Science History: 3 credits 
 COM 102 Interpersonal Communication: 3 credits
 BUS 104 Information Systems and Computer Application: 3 credits
 CS 102 Fundamentals of Information Technology: 3 credits
 CS 109 Introduction to IT Programming: 3 credits 
 CS 150 Web Development Foundations: 3 credits 
 CS 202 Network and System Security: 3 credits 
CS 210 Business of IT Project Management: 3 credits 
 CS 215 Business of IT: Applications: 3 credits 
 SCI 250 Integrated Physical Sciences: 3 credits 
 SCI 251 Natural Science Lab: 1 credit Upper Division (42 credits) CS 300 Scripting and Programming, Foundations: 3 credits CS 310 Computer Architecture: 3 credits CS 315 Introduction to Computer Systems: 3 credits CS 320 Data Structures and Algorithms I: 3 credits
 CS 330 Data Structures and Algorithms II: 3 credits CS 370 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: 3 credits CS 390 Programming I: Problem Solving: 3 credits CS 410 Discrete Mathematics and Functional Programming: 3 credits BUS 311 Project Management: 3 credits CS 420 Programming II: Object-Oriented Design: 3 credits CS 425 Software Development: 3 credits CS 440 Hacking and Ethical Issues in Technology: 3 credits CS 450 Computer Science Capstone Project: 3 credits 
 CS 499 Computer Science Internship: 3 credits

BS in Criminal Justice and Biblical Studies
Complete your bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and prepare for a lifelong career of service with honor and integrity. The Bachelor of Science with a major in Criminal Justice prepares you for a variety of careers that work toward justice, prevention, and the protection of your community. From corrections and law enforcement to victim’s advocate positions, this criminal justice degree offers you tactics, theories, and principles to help you advance in your desired career path.

BS in Cybersecurity and Biblical Studies
Cybersecurity experts can be an organization’s first line of defense against the dangers that threaten its technology and systems. Currently, more open positions exist in this growing field than there are qualified candidates. Take advantage of those career opportunities with the online Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity program. With hands-on assignments, an innovative online lab environment, and experienced instructors, you’ll develop the skills you need to combat and defend against hackers with malicious intent.

BS in Addictions Counseling and Biblical Studies
Prepare for a fulfilling and challenging career working with individuals and families in crisis. This faith-based degree in addictions counseling is not just an evidence-based program that produces excellent practitioners—it’s an online degree that prepares you emotionally and spiritually for the work God has called you to do helping addicted individuals. Unique to our program are synchronous elements offered alongside supervision from experienced faculty members to help you develop as a professional in the field. You’ll be equipped to work in the court system, domestic violence shelters, inpatient facilities, and your state’s Department of Correction. Do the important work of restoration, reunifying families, and healing lives.

BA in Life Coaching and Biblical Studies
Are you called to help others discover their gifts and talents? Do you feel led to be a beacon of hope to those who are oppressed and overwhelmed? Do you want to improve your communication skills to serve others with increased confidence and direction? The Bachelor of Science with a specialization in Life Coaching will prepare you to empower others to achieve personal and professional success.

BS in Global Security & Strategy Management
Our country needs out-of-the-box, strategic thinkers who can address, manage, and navigate security threats across the world. With a Bachelor of Science in Global Security & Strategy Management, you can build on your military experience and prepare yourself for a rewarding career in intelligence, security, or strategy management.

BS in Nursing (Post Licensure (RN-BSN)
This program is specifically designed for individuals who are already licensed as a Registered Nurse. As such, all applicants must present proof of an unencumbered RN license. The BSN is required for several specialty specific certifications, but those depend on the nurse’s practice specialty.

Masters Degree in Psychology
If you’re fascinated by what motivates people or you love trying to understand human relationships, the fully online Master of Arts in Psychology can help you cultivate a life abundant with meaning and purpose—and help other people build richer lives as well. With specializations in Life Coaching and Positive Psychology and Industrial and Organizational Psychology, you’ll develop into a competent and ethical professional that approaches psychology through the lens of your faith. This program prepares you for work in a variety of professional settings, whether you have a limited background in psychology or you hold an undergraduate degree in the field. You’ll also be able to pursue and implement your personal research interests.

Masters Degree in Counseling
Candidates must complete core, clinical experience, specialization, and elective courses as advised by the Graduate Counseling department. In addition, individualized programs of study can be designed which enable students to fulfill requirements for multiple specializations and license types.

Masters Degree in Organizational Leadership
People who lead well can make a difference in their organizations and communities, advancing the mission by inspiring others. This master’s degree gives you the opportunity to solve real-world problems in your organization. Along the way, you’ll get the feedback and support you need to gain confidence and advance your career. Start applying your knowledge immediately, and be ready for next opportunity with a master’s degree in organizational leadership.

Masters Degree in Social Work
Students will receive an integrative practice approach to the social work profession while learning to draw on individual and community strengths to work toward social change and justice in their respective communities. Advanced Practice social workers employ a range of problem-solving processes and clinical and research-based theories while using the skills of assessment, planning, contracting, implementation, evaluation and termination as they work with various client systems to enhance functioning and improve well-being. The MSW Social Work program provides a Christian and biblical worldview perspective on social and economic justice and the intrinsic worth of all people. The generalist curriculum provides generalist social work theory, practice, policy, and research perspectives. The advanced generalist specialty practice curriculum provides theory, practice, policy, and research in advanced generalist social work practice with an emphasis on clinical knowledge and skills.

Masters Degree in Special Education
The Master of Science (M.S.) program with a major in Special Education Teaching is designed to deepen your teaching ability by equipping you to develop culturally responsive teaching skills and effective research and technology tools for students with exceptionalities.
General Education Requirements
All Majors, 2023-2024
CVC General Education (GE) Requirements | Units per course | Units per focus |
GE Focus 1: Biblical History and Worldview | 9 | |
GOV 200: Biblical Governance and Economics | 3 | |
THEO 100: New Testament Principles and Practices | 3 | |
THEO 120: Apologetics: Science and the Christian | 3 | |
GE Focus 2: Written and Oral Communication | 9 | |
COM 105: Strategic Business Communication | 3 | |
RSCH 200: Statistical Analysis and Research Writing | 3 | |
COM 150: Speech and Debate | 3 | |
GE Focus 3: Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking | 9 | |
PHIL 200: Philosophy, Christianity, and World Religions | 3 | |
SCI 100: Biological Sciences | 3 | |
MAT 120: Algebraic Functions and Logical Analysis | 3 | |
GE Focus 3: History and Social Sciences | 9 | |
PSY 150: General Psychology | 3 | |
HIS 200: Survey of World History | 3 | |
HIS 250: Survey of American History | 3 | |
GE Focus 4: Arts and Humanities | 6 | |
THE 100 Introduction to Theater | 3 | |
FA 150 Introduction to Fine Arts | 3 | |
MUS 165 Introduction to Classical Music | 3 | |
GE Focus 5: Personal Development | 9 | |
PD 101: Career Forecasting* | 3 | |
PD 120 Personal Finance | 3 | |
PD 200 Personal Fitness and Nutrition | 3 | |
PSY 250 Attachment, Marriage and Family | 3 | |
Total GE | 51 units | |
Total Units for Graduation: 51 GE, 40 LD, 30 UD | Plus LD/UD | 121 units |
GE Focus 1: Biblical History and Worldview | 9 | |
GOV 200: Biblical Governance and Economics | 3 | |
THEO 100: New Testament Principles and Practices | 3 | |
THEO 120: Apologetics: Science and the Christian | 3 | |
GE Focus 2: Written and Oral Communication | 9 | |
COM 105: Strategic Business Communication | 3 | |
RSCH 200: Statistical Analysis and Research Writing | 3 | |
COM 150: Speech and Debate | 3 | |
GE Focus 3: Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking | 9 | |
PHIL 200: Philosophy, Christianity, and World Religions | 3 | |
SCI 100: Biological Sciences | 3 | |
MAT 120: Algebraic Functions and Logical Analysis | 3 | |
GE Focus 3: History and Social Sciences | 9 | |
PSY 150: General Psychology | 3 | |
HIS 200: Survey of World History | 3 | |
HIS 250: Survey of American History | 3 | |
GE Focus 4: Arts and Humanities | 6 | |
THE 100 Introduction to Theater | 3 | |
FA 150 Introduction to Fine Arts | 3 | |
MUS 165 Introduction to Classical Music | 3 | |
GE Focus 5: Personal Development | 9 | |
PD 101: Career Forecasting* | 3 | |
PD 120 Personal Finance | 3 | |
PD 200 Personal Fitness and Nutrition | 3 | |
PSY 250 Marriage and Family | 3 | |
Total GE | 51 units | |
Total Units for Graduation: 51 GE, 40 LD, 30 UD | Plus LD/UD | 121 units |
General Bible Education / CVC Signature Classes | Credits |
APOL 101 Science and the Christian (GE) | 3 |
BIB 250 Biblical Governance and Economics (GE) | 3 |
Lower Division: 9 units required | |
BIB 100 The Gospels | 3 |
BIB 200 The Pauline Epistles | 3 |
BIB 280 Major Prophets in the Old Testament | 3 |
Upper Division: 9 units required | |
BIB 300 Minor Prophets in the Old Testament | 3 |
BIB 350 The Pentateuch | 3 |
BIB 400 Wisdom Literature | 3 |
BIB 450 Prophetic Literature | 3 |