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Frequently Asked Qs


Have an FAQ not answered here? Email or contact us through our web form to set up a personal call. 


Q: Do I have to take the SAT or ACT to get into Chula Vista Christian? 

A: No. Like a growing number of institutions, CVCU does not require an SAT or an ACT test score for admissions. CVCU believes that student intelligence is more than a sum of test scores. See our methodology page for more information.


Q: What if I'm an adult student, not a GenZ. Can I still attend CVCU? 

A: The CVCU model is built on a concept known as andragogy, the study of adult learning. So, while we primarily cater to GenZs, the model is highly effective for adult learners as well. Adult learners work in the 1-1 mentor format that our junior and senior students utilize for upper division coursework. 


Q: Can I transfer to CVCU from another college? 

A: Because CVCU is built on a unique instructional model, we primarily accept traditional freshmen and not transfer students. Our curriculum is built on a 3-4 year cohort model that requires first-year students to study and work together in the same classes, and these first-year courses are most often the ones that transfer students will have already completed in another academic environment. 


Q: What type of student will do best at CVCU? 

A: CVCU is centered on a model of self-driven, discourse-based learning environments. A student who is teachable, intrinsically motivated, who enjoys learning, and who likes talking with others will do best in this environment.


Q: Is CVCU a Christian university? 

A: Yes, Chula Vista Christian is a nondenominational Christian organization. Our degree programs are all embedded with an academic approach that examines each subject area through the lens of a biblical worldview. Our faculty are Bible-believing Christians who serve in the local church. They are carefully selected not only for their academic abilities but also for their capabilities as mentors, coaches, and role models. 


Q: Will I have to serve in the community if I go to CVCU? 

A: Yes, CVCU students are required to serve in the community through their local church. This may include working in children's church, serving as a mentor for at-risk youth, feeding the homeless, serving on a worship team, serving in media, and/or serving in or leading other community service activities.  


Q: What kind of student would not be a good fit for CVCU?

A: Students who are not willing to learn to work well with others, who aren't willing to attend and serve in the local church, or who are not willing to develop the discipline needed to pursue college-level education would not likely excel in the CVCU environment. 


Q: What if I'm shy and get nervous talking to other people? Will CVCU still work for me? 

A: CVCU is a nurturing environment. We want to bring out the best in each individual student, and we know that every human needs a balance of reflection (time alone) and connection (time in community) to be healthy. CVCU structures class time, mentor time, and study time to support those developmental needs. If you have the courage to step out in faith, even as a shy person, we know you will blossom under the leadership and mentorship of your CVCU faculty. 


Q: What if my grades weren't that great in high school. Will CVCU accept me?

A: You are not the sum of your test scores! Many highly intelligent and capable students do not test well or perform well in the traditional academic sector. CVCU looks at a number of academic, personality, and emotional intelligence markers to determine a student's goodness of fit. CVCU also knows that the current mainstream education system has not served students well, and the right environment and teaching modalities can unlock new levels of excellence and success. Your past educational experiences do not have to determine your academic future. Neural plasticity studies demonstrate that we can develop new habits throughout our lifetimes -- if we are willing to be teachable. Studies show that teachability and determination are far more important markers of success in higher education than "crystallized" intelligence. God equips the called, and he promises to give us everything we need for life and godliness. 


© 2020 CVCU

Chula Vista, California

Tax ID # 88-361013

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