Mission, Vision & Faith Statement
Chula Vista Christian offers flexible, affordable, hybridized education tailored to the needs and strengths of the Millennial and Generation Z demographics. CVC is founded on the tutoring modality popularized by Oxford University as well as the coaching methodology of the homeschool movement, blending mentorship and discipleship with small group, discussion-based classroom environments. Our leadership team has invested significant time and energy into understanding and applying the most effective educational research methodologies to help the youngest generations succeed in the classroom.
In keeping with the youngest generation's need for active learning, Chula Vista Christian serves as a “hands and feet” model that enables students, staff, faculty, and guest lecturers to take learning out of the four walls of the classroom and into the surrounding community, offering academic excellence, cutting-edge research, and artistic excellence in a nondenominational, faith-based model. CVC endeavors to offer flexible, affordable, and hybridized degree plans, providing the next generation of college students a fiscally responsible model of excellence in higher education catering to the generational drive of self-directed learning.
Chula Vista Christian is an academic experience where rigor meets relationship. We are built on the "guide on the side" model rather than the "sage on the stage" model. Instead of being subjected to dry, esoteric, non-relational, lecture-based models of education, our students discover, learn, and practice their craft through discussion and reflection with mentors who care about the whole student -- mind, body, and spirit. Students then apply their learning through mandatory internships that provide the work experience they need to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.
CVCU's impact is not limited to the four walls of a classroom. We create a community that empowers families, promotes creativity and critical thinking, fosters literacy skills, strengthens the bonds of neighbors, and nurtures a lifelong love of learning. To this end, we are impacting not only the next generation of students, but also the communities where they live, work, and play.
Our Mission
Through intentional mentorship, rigorous reading, and career-driven internships, we will equip scholars and visionaries who will advance the Kingdom, strengthen the community, and lead with excellence in the home, the church, and the marketplace.
Our Vision
We will train undergraduate college students for service to God, country, and one another, building a legacy of culture shapers who will radiate the expressed values of the faith: the compassionate character of Christ, the moral fortitude of historic leaders, the visionary courage of the Founding Fathers, and the academic excellence inherent in those who study to show themselves approved, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Our Statement of Faith:
Distinctive Beliefs that Guide our Actions & Interactions
CVC is a distinctly faith-based academic model. As believers, we share in a core culture of spiritual DNA that forms the basis of how we treat ourselves and one another. Some denominational variances in beliefs and behavior are normal in Christian institutions, of course, and many of these differences are often minor issues of personal opinion. In these matters of extrabiblical nature, CVC believes it is vital to learn to agree to disagree and to demonstrate respect for another. As Paul said, we will endeavor, where possible, to live at peace with everyone. However, there are also specific doctrinal statements upon which the university is founded, and in these, CVC students, staff, and faculty should find commonality in agreement:
WE BELIEVE the Bible to be the divinely inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God and the supreme authority in all intellectual, theological, scientific, historical, and relational matters of belief and behavior.
WE BELIEVE in one sovereign God, eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
WE BELIEVE in our Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, his virgin birth, his sinless human life, his divine miracles, his vicarious and atoning death through his shed blood, his bodily resurrection, his ascension, his role as High Priest and Advocate, his ongoing intercession for his children, and his personal return in power and glory in the second coming. Those who confess with their mouths that Jesus is Lord and believe in their hearts that God raised him from the dead will be saved.
WE BELIEVE that God directly created Adam and Eve, the historical parents of the entire human race; and that they were created in His own image, distinct from all other living creatures, and in a state of original righteousness.
WE BELIEVE that all things in the universe, visible and invisible, were created and made manifest by God ex nihilo in the six literal days of the creation week as described in Genesis and that the biblical creation record is factual, historical, and scientifically accurate. As Colossians 1: 15 says, all things were created by him, through him, and for him, and in him all things are held together. The created realm, as explained in Romans 1:20, gives clear evidence of God’s eternal power and divine nature so that all are without excuse in recognizing these “invisible attributes.” 

WE BELIEVE the Holy Spirit was sent by the Father as a counselor and helper to mankind, to empowering them with wisdom, strengths, and gifts. As evidenced on the Day of Pentecost, the presence of the Holy Spirit in a believers’ life is demonstrated by a spirit of power. Spirit-filled Christians are not of “those who shrink back and are destroyed,” but of those who stand firm.
WE BELIEVE that those who are born again into Christ are a new creation in him. Just as sin entered the world through the first Adam, so grace entered through the second Adam, Jesus. Through Adam, humans were given dominion over the created realm, to steward and subdue it. This mandate continues for Christians today, as we are called to redeem and steward earthly realms, including socio-political, industrial, artistic, governmental, and educational spheres, serving as active citizens who speak up for the oppressed and defend the rights of those who cannot speak up for themselves. 

WE BELIEVE in both local and global evangelism, accepting the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all nations, to baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and to teach them to observe his commandments. These mandates extend not only to our own “Jerusalem,” our families and our cities, but to every tribe and tongue across the earth. Though we are saved by grace, the outworking of our faith is expressed in our actions and interactions with one another and the world to which we are called.
WE BELIEVE in the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust, the just to eternal life with God and the unjust into eternal separation from God. God is a covenant-making and covenant-keeping God who keeps his promises to those who respond to His love by committing their lives to Him. 

WE BELIEVE that Jesus will soon return to this earth, personally, visibly, and unexpectedly, in power and glory, to gather his bride, to raise the dead, to judge the nations, to bring His Kingdom to fulfillment and to (oversee) the bodily resurrection of the just and unjust. Because none know the day or the hour of his return, we are to be “busy about the Father’s business,” making disciples, stewarding the earth, and furthering his kingdom until he returns.

WE BELIEVE in the spiritual unity of all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ and that as Christians we are to meet together regularly for worship, prayer, exhortation, and the building up of one another in the faith. Active membership in a local Christian church is a vital component of family spiritual health, providing opportunity for personal growth, discipleship, outreach, and personal accountability. As members of a church-partnering, family-centric institution, CVC students, staff, and faculty are expected to attend, serve, and tithe in the local church.
WE BELIEVE that children are a heritage from the Lord, a reward from him (Psalm 127:5), and that parents have been given the mantle of authority in the child’s life, including the primary role of teaching and training their children as described in Deuteronomy 6, Malachi 4, Luke 1, and Titus 1 and 2. While CVC shares a season of delegated authority in a student’s life, CVC does not place itself over and above parental authority in dealing with the heart, mind, soul, or habits of CVC students. Instead, CVC partners with parents, recognizing that children belong to families; they do not belong to the state, the church, or the school.
WE BELIEVE in the sanctity of life and the intrinsic value of all humans as children created in the image of God. All humans have purpose and destiny ordained for them and written in God’s book from the time of conception to the time of death, and as image-bearers of the living God, human life is to be protected, defended, and valued.
WE BELIEVE that sexual intimacy was created as an expression of love within a marriage between a man and woman. We believe singles are called to maintain sexual purity until marriage, and married individuals are called to remain faithful to their marriage, avoiding promiscuous behavior or the appearance thereof. Marriage was created by God to serve as an earthly shadow of Jesus’ relationship to his bride, the church; and as such, the institution of marriage is to be held in high honor by all CVC members, whether single or married.
WE BELIEVE the classroom community should be one of charity and compassion, wonder and enthusiasm, that is demonstrated and nurtured through dynamic conversations and godly relationships amongst students, faculty, and parents. Though dialogue-based learning rightly discourages “group think” and strengthens debate skills, we will nonetheless dwell together in unity (Psalm 133:1) despite differences in opinion. We expect CVC faculty, staff, and students to refrain from unkind remarks, profanity, coarse jesting, or other language that demonstrates disrespect, disunity, or a lack of charity. Ultimately, we expect the classroom environment to play a significant role in whole-student development by sharpening the mind, challenging erroneous beliefs, honing critical-thinking skills, fostering innovation, and inspiring the soul.

Whole-person Development and Expectations
Chula Vista Christian is built on a whole-person model. It is our belief that students must be educated not only intellectually but also emotionally and spiritually. The highly intellectual mind can tend toward overly analytical tendencies and can, at times, lose sight of the need for warmth and compassion. Therefore, it is our goal to sharpen and mold those latent skills of critical examination, helping students become equally adept at empathy and analysis. Our goal is not simply a “knowledge that puffs up” but a “love that builds up” (1 Corinthians 8).
Through their work together in and out of class, students will learn to serve and support one another as they develop through the college experience. They are expected to honor God through the disciplines of loving and serving others. This lifestyle is reflected in the REACH acronym.
R: Respectful
E: Engaged
A: Authentic
C: Compassionate
H: Humble
These characteristics will be sharpened during class and in the practices of the general CVCU community.
Our Motto
Innovative education for the next generation
